Sunday, December 19, 2021

Your friends and family are drowning in rage and despair, and it's the media's fault

Many of you have family and friends who have fallen into thrashing mania and misery because of the establishment media's militant support of the fascist "new normal."

One of the biggest tragedies in America – perhaps the world – is the fact that hordes of people have fallen under the fascist media's spell. Many more have become a shell of their former selves because the scuzz-a-luzz media has maliciously destroyed their livelihoods by encouraging lockdowns and lockdown culture.

I've been skeptical of media hype since I was a teenager, and I've been reluctant to trust media talking points without more reliable verification. In the past 2 years, however, the media has driven people you once knew into an unquestioning stupor marked by fits of rage against dissidents.

Some with a lot of time on their hands spend all their days watching garbage disguised as "news" on TV or the Internet. They will defend to their death their sources of information, calling any commentator or average person who dissents a conspiracy theorist – often both a left-wing conspiracy theorist and a right-wing conspiracy theorist in the same conversation. It doesn't matter how strong the dissenting source's credentials are. They can be a doctor, teacher, or lawyer, and they'll still be equated with the meme of the shirtless old man scowling.

Your friends and family who have been lost to the media will start arguments with you. But when you start to counter with facts, logic, and science, they will suddenly announce that they're done arguing. Sometime later, they'll bring up the same topic again, and the cycle will repeat.

One of their favorite accusations is that you sit at the computer all day looking at conspiracy websites. However, they do exactly that, except with them it's often TV instead of Internet. This is while the media has its own ridiculous conspiracy theories, like when they claim that states have deliberately undercounted COVID deaths just so they could lift restrictions.

These folks weren't as hostile and argumentative before. They didn't intentionally pick fights with dissidents like they do now. They didn't use to think everyone else – let alone the people closest to them – was an enemy. But now everybody is. They think the cashier at IGA, the 5-year-old down the street, their doctor, and everybody else are all enemies.

We can't always blame those who have begun thinking this way. If you were subjected to the totalitarian propaganda machine every waking moment, the same might happen to you. But it's sad to see so many people spending their lives thrashing about over media hype and lies.

Then there's the many people who don't lap it up but have found their livelihoods and social activities ruined because of policies the media maliciously cheered. They now lead lives of sadness, and nobody is around to comfort them.

All of this is a tragedy, and it was avoidable.

There must be some accountability for the media. There's got to be some smart lawyers who can figure out a way to make media outlets pay stiff civil penalties for their deliberate journalistic malpractice.

Turn off the TV. Read a book. Go to the store. Live.

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