Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Kentucky pseudoephedrine bill dead (again)

Chalk up yet another victory for the Occupy coalition.

Kentucky lawmakers have once again rejected a right-wing bill that would have required law-abiding citizens to get a prescription just to buy over-the-counter allergy drugs. I've said it before and I'll say it again: The bill would have been worthless for fighting meth, and it would have flown in the face of federal law. It's believed by some that ALEC helped write this bill, but this has never been confirmed.

The bill has been replaced by a "compromise" bill that would still allow you to buy a very limited amount of the drug without a prescription. Let legislators wallow in it. If they pass this bill but bring the more restrictive bill back again next year, they'll have nobody to blame but themselves for the humiliation that will follow.

Occupy activists had been fighting the original bill the entire session.

I'm on the edge of my seat waiting for the legislature to bore us again with this shit next year.

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