Friday, August 3, 2012

City blasts phone outsourcing

When every decision made by a monopolistic utility corporation is rubber-stamped by state regulators who won't do their jobs, this is what it comes down to.

As if Cincinnati isn't already among the places hit hardest in each of the many recessions of the past 30 years, Cincinnati Bell - which owns all landline phone service in the area - now plans to ship about 140 local jobs to Denver. As a result, Cincinnati City Council unanimously approved a resolution to oppose this outsourcing.

This resolution is appreciated, of course, but it's time to play hardball. The city needs to be bold enough to say you can't outsource. Period. If the phone company ships jobs away, the city should use eminent domain to condemn and seize all its phone infrastructure within city limits.

Maybe then Zoomtown will be faster than dialup like it used to be.


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