Monday, August 6, 2012

Right-wing idiot burns self in Cheerio fire

It's yet another entry from the files of the party of stupid!

Recently, the Tea Party organized a protest against General Mills because the company fails to support an effort to ban gay marriage in Minnesota. But the protest seems to have drawn only one participant - who promptly made a complete spectacle of himself.

The centerpiece of the protest was his attempt to burn a box of Cheerios on the lawn of the headquarters of General Mills. But somebody forgot to tell him that Minnesota has experienced a searing drought lately. And it was windy. So you can imagine how this ended.

He tried lighting the cereal box ablaze, but all he accomplished was burning a bowl and the General Mills lawn. He tried stomping the flames out - to no avail. Then he burned his hands trying to pick up the burning bowl. As the fire expanded, he appeared to be trying to flee, as bystanders laughed at him.

A video of the incident has cropped up on YouTube...

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