Monday, June 24, 2013

IRS discriminated against Occupy

Another right-wing conspiracy theory is shot to hell.

The Far Right and its demonic media minions have generated much noise over the IRS's alleged targeting of the Tea Party. We knew this was bunk gas, for we proved that most of the organizations whose tax-exempt status was rejected by the IRS were at least moderately liberal. In fact, the IRS approved the tax-exempt status of a right-wing ministry even though it endorsed a position in a voter referendum.

So it was clear there was no discrimination against the Tea Party. But now it's been proven the IRS has been actively discriminating against Occupy. New documents reveal that the IRS flagged the terms Occupy and progressive on organizations' applications for tax-exempt status.

This proves that the IRS's singling out of progressive groups isn't just something of the distant past, but also the very recent past - for Occupy is less than 2 years old - and probably the present.

So where's the congressional hearings?


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