Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Right-wing court guts 'Net neutrality

Right-wing judicial activism rules the roost in our federal courts, and this ruling is yet another example of how right-wing federal judges make up laws as they go along.

Today, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued a ruling that struck down the FCC's 'Net neutrality regulations. The court says the FCC overstepped its statutory authority.

What's the point of even having an FCC if it's not allowed to do its job?

Because of this ruling, ISP's can now make websites pay for preferential access. They can even block sites - which Zoomtown does anyway.

Not surprisingly, the ruling was inspired by the NAMBLA-backed 1996 Telecommunications Act, which weakened the FCC's power to rein in telcoms' greed.

The states have a choice: They can either act to reestablish 'Net neutrality - or they can surrender like a bunch of cowards, like they did when the '96 telcom law passed.

What's a matter, states? Are you chicken? Brrrrrokk brok brok brok brok brok! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrokk brok brok brok brok brok!

(Source: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2014/01/14/1269566/-DC-Circuit-guts-net-neutrality-rules)

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