Thursday, October 24, 2019

Beshear leads Bevin by 19%

I was starting to worry that Moscow Matt might actually have a real chance at a second term after all, but a new poll by Targoz Market Research has done nothing short of pulverize that possibility.

In the latest poll, Democrat Andy Beshear leads the embattled Republican incumbent by a smashing 55% to 36%. What's even more ominous for the Forehead is that this poll's sample actually has a disproportionate number of Republicans.

If Beshear led by "only" 9% - which was his average before this poll - you could argue Bevin might still have a real chance. Russian meddling in elections goes a long way. But 19%? Forget about it. I can't think of a major partisan election where the polls have been off by 19%.

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