Sunday, October 20, 2019

MSNBC = Fox News

More than once, I've had to explain to people that Comcast-owned MSNBC is a right-wing channel not much better than Fox News Channel or CNN. I blackballed MSNBC as a source for this blog as long ago as 2008 because they deceptively edited a Michelle Obama speech.

MSNBC's latest enemy? Bernie Sanders.

Here's some quotes from MSNBC's right-wing analysts...

"Bernie Sanders makes my skin crawl."

"He's a socialist from the 1950s yelling at people in the same screechy voice, without smiling."

"I think he comes off as mean, he's disparaging."

"If you are still supporting Sanders, it's kind of showing your sexism." (What???)

"Bernie Sanders does have a certain problem with women." (What???)

I don't know these analysts by name, because they're such nobodies that I don't recognize these media elites from the video clips. Maybe they're public figures I once admired, but have since sold out. I don't get cable, because I can't afford to pay $90/month to watch this tone-policing garbage from right-wing talking heads who bash America almost daily. But there they are, smirking and grinning and trying to tell the viewing public what to think.

Gee, I'm sorry the Democrats aren't going to nominate Michael Bloomberg or Evan Bayh like they want.

The pundits want a loser. They don't want a winner like Bernie Sanders or even Elizabeth Warren. Media elites would rather impose school uniforms than do something beneficial like expand Social Security.

Be a fucking adult. Accept that the American people just aren't all that into the Third Way thought-policing that has actually helped prop up the Republicans. Cope.

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