Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Tea Party continues meetings despite conservavirus

The Trump regime's incompetence at controlling coronavirus - or as I call it, conservavirus - is already legendary. Trump's deliberate inaction has allowed the virus to spread so rapidly that any gathering of at least 3 people for the next 6 months has been threatened with cancellation. The famous South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas, was already canceled. There have even been threats to cancel the Kentucky Derby and the Indy 500.

Despite bans on gatherings, the Northern Kentucky Tea Party just keeps on meeting. You never hear about the Tea Party elsewhere anymore. We only hear about our local chapter, which is being fueled primarily by Boone County. It's like that region in Moldova that still builds monuments to old Soviet figures.

But they keep on meeting. They're even promoting a fundraising gathering for racist congressman Thomas Massie.

If I had any plans to cancel or skip any events over conservavirus, those plans to cancel are now out the window. If the Tea Party can keep on meeting, I'll do what I damn well please. You don't get to lock down the whole country while the Tea Party is out there spreading germs because they think rules don't apply to them. I'm very careful about germs in the first place, and I don't need to be lectured by anyone allied with the Tea Party on how to stop viruses from spreading, especially after some of the messes they've made.

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