Sunday, June 13, 2010

Progressive points of interest mapped!

As the economic needs of yours truly grow deeper, LeftMaps has hired me to develop a whole new wrinkle in progressive populist mapping!

Since LeftMaps was founded in 2008, its name has thumped hollow. This set of Cincinnati area neighborhood maps has been great for finding bicycling routes and abandoned streets, but it hasn't lived up to what the name suggests.

But that's starting to change!

LeftMaps is now providing something unique for this region: progressive populist points of interest!

I plan to mark buildings and historic shrines of local progressive interest. These items will be labeled using the Lucida Sans font - NOT the ordinary Arial that otherwise peoples these maps.

Shrines are to be marked using a symbol based on Kentucky historical markers. Unfortunately, I only have one shrine mapped so far, as they are relatively few and far between. On the map of southern Highland Heights, the Steely Dan Library is labeled for the celebrated Last Word arrest. This libe has become a political shrine of sorts.

Another shrine like this is in Devou Park where the Bush rally went awry. But I haven't yet completed that map. Still another such shrine is the site of the now-defunct Kids Helping Kids cult, which faced a barrage of roadside protests a couple years back. But I haven't even started that map yet.

In addition to these shrines of recent political history, certain buildings will be labeled in italicized Lucida Sans for their current practical or educational interest. For instance, I believe the Freedom Center should receive this special font, simply because of its subject matter. However, I don't have that map finished yet either, and I haven't relabeled this building yet.

Want to see how our map of southside Highland Heights handles the Steely Dan Library? Point your pooper here:

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