Friday, August 15, 2014

Rick Perry indicted

Recently, I observed that there were at least 4 current Republican governors in the good ol' U.S. and A. nation who were about to be indicted - and I thought there could be 5 or 6. But I didn't think Rick Perry of Texas was among them - as much as I would've liked for him to be among them.

Well, that's all changed, because today Perry was indicted on felony charges of abuse of official capacity and coercion of a public servant - after he carried out a threat to veto funding for prosecution of public corruption. The ultraconservative buffoon is now the first Texas governor in 97 years to be indicted. The first charge carries 5 to 99 years in prison; the second carries 2 to 10.

Naturally, the right-wing armchair commentators are already defending Perry on newspaper websites.

Perry isn't running again, but is this a game changer for the upcoming midterms? If poo. If a Democrat had been indicted for the same thing, you know it would likely cost the Democrats the Senate - and yes, even the closely watched Kentucky House. Maybe even a Campbell County Fiscal Court seat. But the Republicans are of course held to a lower standard.


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