Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Right-wing media attacks candidate for disability?

Shame on the Columbus Dispatch, Cincinnati Enquirer, and Associated Press. Shame, shame, shame!

My optimism about the upcoming midterm elections just sank like a rock because of The Media pawing around for a scandal where none seems to exist. The big "scandal" according to Ohio's right-wing press in recent days is the discovery that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Ed FitzGerald lacked a full driver's license for 4 years of his adult life.


So that's a "scandal"? What if he didn't drive in that timeframe? If he lives along a transit line or has a family member drive for him, why drive? If you don't drive, why get a license?

What if Ed FitzGerald had active epilepsy and was therefore barred from getting a license? In some jurisdictions, if you've had even one seizure in your entire life, you can't get a license - even if the seizures have been under control ever since.

What if FitzGerald had neuropathic nerve damage? I have neuropathic nerve damage. Is that a "scandal" now?

I don't know Ed FitzGerald's medical history, but isn't it at least possible that he couldn't drive due to a disability?

The Media is like the bully in school who beat up the kid in the wheelchair.

It turns out FitzGerald did have a limited license during at least some of that timeframe. If he was "seen driving" on a valid license, who the hell cares?!

Is it possible there's more to the story? Anything is possible, since it's hard to disprove a negative. But it's no more possible than it would be if it was any other politician.

FitzGerald - a Democrat - should be held to the same standard as any Republican. If the need arises, I will. But FitzGerald isn't on the verge of being indicted for any felonies - unlike at least 4 current Republican governors across the nation.

From this story, we know The Media is intent on doubling down for the next 3 months to "elect" Republicans. Brace yourselves.

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