Friday, October 24, 2008

GOP bugs opponent, accuses him of stealing recorder

Mr. Elbow Care strikes again!

The unforgettable Senate contest in Kentucky - whose major party candidates include Republican incumbent Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Bruce Lunsford - has taken another turn for the weird.

At a debate at Kentucky Dam, someone placed a digital recording device on Lunsford's podium in the hopes of recording things he might say under his breath. Lunsford found the device when he was leaving, but he didn't know whose it was, so he picked it up in the hopes of returning it to its rightful owner.

But then the McConnell camp accused Lunsford of stealing the recorder and erasing the contents. They've actually filed a criminal complaint against him, accusing him of larceny and destruction of property.

If the recorder already contained recordings that were so important, why didn't the GOP operatives copy them before putting the recorder in a place where it might get lost? How stupid can you get?

The Republican camp also changed its story about where the recorder was. At one point, they said they saw Lunsford take it from his own podium; at another, they said the recorder was on the moderator's podium.

If they can't even get their story straight, why should we trust them?

Only a real sleazy bunch of political hacks would try to secretly record an opposing candidate and then accuse him of stealing the recorder.


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