Friday, December 30, 2011

Outcry defeats Verizon price-gouging

Telcom giant Verizon recently announced plans to charge cell phone customers an extra $2 fee every time they made a payment using any method that was invented after 1850.

I wondered to myself why the states or the federal government allowed this price-gouging, but now it looks like that's moot. The resulting public outcry was so deafening that Verizon has now backed down.

Chalk up another victory for the still-growing Occupy campaign. It was the Occupy movement that heightened awareness of this example of Verizon greed and allowed the story to reach more of the public. What's amazing is how effective this public uproar was. Some 10 or 15 years ago, Verizon's proposal would have largely been met with absolute, utter silence while the government rubber-stamped it.

See, folks, this Occupy business is mighty nifty.


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