Tuesday, January 15, 2013

GOP uses gun law as excuse to expand psychiatric abuse

Legislators in the state of New York just blew it.

Today, a new gun bill was signed into law in New York, and it didn't take long to find an elephant in the room shitting all over it.

I'm for gun rights - but I can live with most of what's in the new law. Background checks at gun shows? That's fine by me. Registration of existing assault rifles? No problem there, since I thought guns had to be registered anyway.

What stains this law so? It turns out that Republicans added a provision to it that would expand the power of psychiatrists to involuntarily commit people who dare to disagree with them. This provision - which would heighten psychiatric abuse - has nothing whatsoever to do with guns. The Albany Times Union says this clause was a "GOP priority."

Congratulations, Republicans. You turned a law that I might have supported into one that I'd almost certainly oppose. If you want to talk about being too damn stubborn to work with people, the Republicans win the prize hands-down. Unfortunately, the Democrats went along with it - because nobody dares to cross the psychiatric industry.

Psychiatry is a pseudoscience and a racket. It's one of the biggest swindles ever perpetrated against the American public.

(Meanwhile, the Republicans and the DLC have a bill in Kentucky that would similarly expand the powers of the psychiatric police state - as if Kentucky really needs that.)

(Source: http://www.timesunion.com/local/article/Cuomo-signs-sweeping-gun-control-package-4195504.php)

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