Weekly Standard founder William Kristol is a profile in serial people-destroying. But this time he's fallen on his stupid face with a thud.
Bill Kristol's latest idiotic theme is his attack on Barack Obama for never joining the military. Well, you didn't enlist either, Bill.
Kristol turned 18 in 1970, at the height of the Vietnam conflict. Although he supported this war, Kristol - who was a recent prep school graduate - didn't sign up. He coasted on to Harvard instead.
Obama turned 18 in 1979. After high school, he attended a small college. He didn't go off to fight in a war, because America wasn't in any wars in 1979!
Why do right-wingers like Kristol expect everyone else to fight their wars? Or to enlist at all when they refused to do so themselves? The political scene is still rife with right-wing big shots who have supported a draft and who reached conscription age in the '50s but never served during that era's peacetime draft (expecting others to be drafted in their place).
With all of Kristol's chickenhawkery, it should be no surprise that Kristol was one of the shrillest voices for starting the Iraq War. I guess he knew he'd never have to fight in it.
Why should a right-wing chickenhawk like Kristol even suggest that today's young Americans sign up for the current war that only pads the coffers of millionaires in the defense industry, when he never enlisted in wars he supported?
Kristol's smear machine has already been called out in recent months. In one of his memes a few months back, he relied on debunked information he got from NewsMax, which is a notoriously unreliable source. When people caught on to this, Kristol had to issue an apology.
Does anyone still trust this clod? For years, TV news outlets have always had Kristol on to give his unfortunate opinions about important matters. How much more does he have to be disgraced before they stop?
(Source: http://www.smirkingchimp.com/thread/15002)
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Chickenhawk Kristol attacks Obama over war service
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2:07 PM
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