Friday, October 3, 2008

Teacher makes racist comment about Obama

So I see Florida hires Free Republic regulars to teach in its schools.

In Marianna, Florida, a middle school teacher reportedly made a racist commentary about Obama's "change" mantra. According to numerous students and parents, the teacher wrote "CHANGE" on the board for at least 2 of his classes and wrote that it was an acronym that includes a racial slur. Then he laughed.

I'm not going to repeat the instructor's commentary here, because it's beneath the dignity of this blog. If I want to read racial slurs, I'll just log on to Usenet.

Surprised that a school board would hire someone who makes racist comments in front of students? The school system I was in also did, so unfortunately this isn't an isolated incident.

In the Florida case, the teacher was reprimanded, suspended, and transferred to an adult education school.

In the meantime, teachers in California who support Obama are being threatened with more severe disciplinary action all because one right-wing parent complained about them.



  1. The Pail has no dignity. Quit joking around, Tim, this is serious business.

  2. This blog has more dignity than George "I Crap My Pants" Bush, that's for sure.
