Sunday, April 29, 2018

Have no fear, the May ish is here!

Aw, how cute! Scribd thinks The Last Word is a Republican zine!

The Last Word is the epitome of coolness, and thus cannot be a Republican zine - even though Scribd keeps classifying it as one. The May ish is now pub, and it talks about an assortment of interesting things. In this edition, a person chewed gum and Bob Barker thought it was funny, someone called me a communist, people got kicked out of amusement parks, a quest for a forgotten cereal commercial was launched, and a congressman chewed bubble gum off the floor.

So point your pooper here...

If you can't access it on Scribd, you can find it here...

1 comment:

  1. LOL!! I remember a Price is Right game where the contestant was an old lady and they gave away a motorcycle..She said to Bob, "what the hell am I gonna do with a motorcycle!!"

    Maybe it was a jukebox..but I think it was a motorcycle..
