Monday, February 23, 2009

The Conservative Fool Of The Day is...Jim Bunning!

How did this idiot ever get elected from my state?

Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Kentucky) would already be facing a much tougher reelection fight had the media not downplayed his abuse of his foundation's nonprofit status to make a profit, but his latest statement ought to sink him.

Bunning is boasting about Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's pancreatic cancer.

In an appearance before a group of Hardin County Republicans, Bunning predicted the death of the 75-year-old Ginsburg and bragged that it would create an opening to appoint a conservative Justice. The senator said that a conservative Justice is "going to be in place very shortly" because of Ginsburg's illness.

One is reminded of when the Republicans rubbed their hands together in excitement over Tim Johnson's stroke. They could hardly contain their glee over that.

Someone also needs to remind Bunning that his side didn't win the election, so they don't get to appoint the next Justice if there's a vacancy soon. Even Clinton had a passable batting average on appointing Supreme Court Justices, so why does Bunning think Obama would be any more conservative?

Show a little class, Jim.


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