Tuesday, October 20, 2009

3 arrested for disagreeing with Nazis

In Austin, Minnesota, it's considered perfectly acceptable for neo-Nazis to bring a stun gun and other weapons to a rally. But it's Stripe City for anyone who so much as expresses a different opinion.

On Saturday, the National Socialist Movement - a neo-Nazi group - held a rally at a veterans' memorial there.

That they'd desecrate a veterans' memorial by spewing hate speech is the first outrage. Our troops fought for freedom and the rights of all Americans. America's war dead would be turning in their graves if they knew this monument was being defiled by neo-Nazis.

I'm not saying that even neo-Nazis don't have the same rights as everyone else to free speech. But to use a veterans' memorial as a venue for their vile views is outrageous even if it's legal.

This story gets much worse.

Three people who showed up to protest against these neo-Nazis were arrested just for protesting. They were also sprayed with pepper spray.

So in Austin, Minnesota, only a neo-Nazi group is entitled to free speech protections now?

The charges include..."unlawful assembly." I swear I'm not making this up.

It turns out that one of the neo-Nazis had a stun gun, a knife, and an expandable baton. Clearly, he was spoiling for a fight. Yet he wasn't arrested, and was allowed to remain at the event. But those who protested against these extremists were arrested despite being unarmed.

I hope to high hell there's a lawsuit against the city over this. It's a crying shame the good folks of Austin have to live under a municipal government that rolls out the red carpet for neo-Nazis but arrests anyone who dares to challenge them.

This story reminds me of the bad old days when Cincinnati gave special protection to the Klan cross on Fountain Square.

(Source: http://www.postbulletin.com/newsmanager/templates/localnews_story.asp?z=2&a=421662)

1 comment:

  1. To top it off, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune's headline in their coverage of the story called it a Socialist rally (no "National")
