Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tea Party co-founder owed IRS a half-million

The false notion that the Tea Party farces that began early this year are a grassroots movement was debunked months ago when it was found to be bankrolled by right-wing think tanks and corporations, often with links to the misnamed Citizens for a Sound Economy.

The BTPers' facade continues to crumble.

Jenny Beth Martin is considered a co-founder of the hypocritical Tea Party movement, and she has been granted numerous media interviews. But now it turns out that she and her husband Lee owed the IRS over $500,000.

Gee, Jenny, why are you so fed up with taxes, when you didn't pay your taxes?

Also, USA Today reports that Jenny Beth Martin is a "former paid consultant" for Republican candidates. Her own blog suggests she is still working as a paid partisan consultant.

In other words, she's not an average citizen but is yet another well-off exurban GOP operative - of the same sort that's been shouting down everyone else for 15 years.

I get it now: In conservaworld, you can avoid paying taxes, and - presto! - you're a freedom fighter. That's how the LOSEianne crowd "thinks."

(Source: http://chattahbox.com/us/2009/10/09/anti-tax-tea-party-co-founder-owed-irs-half-a-million-dollars)

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