Friday, October 2, 2009

Oklahoma may require prescription for over-the-counter drugs

I got an e-mail yesterday consisting of just one sentence:

"The fascists in the Oklahoma legislature are trying to make pseudoephedrine a prescription medication."

It included no link, but I found out the story was true.

In 2006, Oregon - in the name of fighting meth - made pseudoephedrine allergy drugs available by prescription only. This despite the fact that federal law says these drugs are over-the-counter - end of story.

Oregon's law has been a total failure.

But Oklahoma lawmakers are made of fail, and if one state has a failed policy, you can bet Oklahoma will follow suit. True to form, the state's top drug warrior has urged legislators to pass a bill to require a prescription for these drugs.

This despite the fact that the growing restrictions on pseudoephedrine haven't worked. Oklahoma was the first state to require buyers to sign a log. Following the passage of this law, Oklahoma has seen a sharp rise in meth labs - for meth cooks skirt the laws.

Kind of like what's happened in Oregon.

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