Friday, June 6, 2008

Another scumbag rag proves itself to be bird cage liner

Circulation of the right-wing Detroit News lags behind its rival in its home market. And deservedly so, because of trite shenanigans like this.

Today, some 45,000 copies of the paper featured the headline, "Clinton, Osama meet to discuss unity."

Um. They mean "Obama." Idiots.

The paper claimed this was only a typo. But I can count on my fingers the number of times I've ever seen typos in a headline - and the 'S' key is nowhere near the 'B' key on most typewriters and computers I've seen. So it's clear the "error" was intentional.

This is what the Nazi noise machine has stooped to. This is just like John Ashcroft and Stinky Singleton doing the same thing and telling people it was just an accident (when it wasn't). The newspaper did this on purpose, and there's no point in them lying about it.

The Detroit News is blackballed as a source here now because of this.

I'm so angry that I'm almost inclined to say Congress or the state legislatures should open an investigation into the corporate media and make the arrogant media big shots answer some tough questions. I'd love to see them squirm.



  1. Oh no Tim! Listen to what you are saying in that last paragraph! You want the government meddling in the free press now?! I can't believe our Tim Brown wrote this! Some hacker bent on destroying America must have hijacked the Pail! The real Bandit would never stand for this!

  2. Jeez Scheff, chill out...How come you were silent all the times Bush meddled in and even censored the free press? I don't think Bandit is even advocating censorship.

    I agree with him...WHen you see slurs like the "Osama" bit and when EVERY SINGLE TALK RADIO STATION has some right-wing talker on EVERY SINGLE MINUTE of EVERY SINGLE DAY, I think we're owed some answers.

    Someone posted something a while back about the media making "in kind" contributions to the GOP. Certainly that's the issue here.

  3. Which instances of Bush meddling in the free press are you referring to?

    By the way, regular readers know Bandit often intentionally mistypes the names of candidates or public officials to turn it into a slur. He's done it in his writing long before Obama/Osama started showing up.
