Monday, April 6, 2009

EU requires Internet records to be stored for a year

Is this Europe's version of the NSA spying scandal?

It's hard to top Bush's eavesdropping, but the European Union sure as shit tries. The EU - which represents a mishmash of undemocratic, greed-driven ideas - is now starting to require all ISP's to keep records of customers' e-mails, website visits, and even phone calls for 12 months.

These items will be stored for use by government authorities.

The policy was established with no public input.

For those who think the innocent have nothing to fear, think again. How is this any different from making traditional phone companies record phone calls? How is it any different from making the postal service open up mail and keep copies of it?

Just as bad, this policy lays the foundation for a far more detailed spying program planned by British authorities. A privacy advocate said this would be "probably the world's most comprehensive surveillance system."

The EU's modus operandi seems to be to think up of moronic ideas and then spring them on the public without asking or caring what they think. Who's running the EU? Ernie Fletcher?


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