Wednesday, July 14, 2010

All those comic books, wastage bastage! ('Sesame Street' Wednesday)

They say the road to hell is paved with good intentions - and this 'Sesame Street' segment proves it.

I'm a hoarder. I save everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. But even if you're not a hoarder like I am, you have to admit that the other extreme - throwing everything away - is even worse.

I'm all for recycling. One hundred percent in favor. Except when it involves recycling something that's still useful in its unrecycled state.

So this 'Sesame Street' live-action film (probably from the '80s) is enough to make me cringe:


In that skit, a girl takes her comic books to the local recycling plant after she reads them - even though there's nothing wrong with the comic books. The comic books are in perfectly good shape.

If you're never going to read that comic book again, take it to a comic book dealer or a library - not a recycler.

As a publisher of an underground newsletter that uses editorial cartoons, I have great respect for comic books. They're an art form.

It's unfortunate that a well-intentioned clip unwittingly encouraged the destruction of timeless art.

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