Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dumb right-wing quote of the day

This entry isn't primarily about the fact that the 2 major parties (assuming the Republicans are even still major) have become nearly identical in their autocratic approach to the failed War on Drugs.

Now Missouri is once again trying to force people to get a prescription just to buy over-the-counter allergy drugs - even though federal law says no prescription is needed.

A Republican cosponsor of this bipartisan bill made a mind-boggling statement in a vain attempt to justify the legislation. State Rep. Scott Lipke said, "If you're one of the few people who have to have pseudoephedrine, then it may be just as simple as calling your doctor for a prescription."

You're hilarious, Scott, you know that?

What about the 50,000,000 Americans who can't even get a doctor, Scott? Ever think of that, you idiot?

I guess it's not so hilarious after all.

The drug industry, incidentally, is all for this ongoing war against their own product. The industry has done nothing to fight it. I guess it's because they think they can charge more for the drug if it's by prescription.


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