Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Georgia GOPer steps down over scandal

Glenn Richardson is the House Speaker for the state of Georgia. Big "family values" Republican.

Because Richardson hates gays, he was a key supporter of anti-gay legislation. He also supports a hefty sales tax hike. At the same time, however, Richardson said laws won't pass under his watch unless it shrinks government.

How hypocritical can you get? He claims to support smaller government while also supporting higher taxes and more restrictions on private personal conduct? He's as big government as you can get.

Now Richardson is stepping down from his post because of an alleged affair with a lobbyist.

One writer observed that the GOP "could have their whole legislative agenda, not to mention their leadership, done in by a sex scandal." Perish the thought.

Richardson has been accused of having an affair with a utility company lobbyist at the same time he cosponsored a bill to finance a pipeline for the company.

Republican "family values" at work, folks.

(Source: http://www.latimes.com/news/nation-and-world/la-na-georgia-speaker4-2009dec04,0,89835.story)

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