Friday, August 20, 2010

Lawn Chair Quarterback: "Czar Ronnie"

Did you know that Sir Ronnie was also Czar Ronnie?

Ronald Reagan was the man who brang czars to America. He invented the position of drug czar - which led to the later czars.

The latest 'Lawn Chair Quarterback' episode explores the Tea Parties' ignorance about czars. The Tea Party whack-a-doodles believe: 1) The czars of Russia were communist; 2) Obama started the idea of czars in American government; and 3) Obama is a communist because of it.

The Lipton Lugnuts are wrong on all 3 counts. Wrong on that, wrong on everything.

This 'LCQ' debunks the Tea Parties' idiotic misunderstandings:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for using humor when dealing with difficult topics. It is wonderful. Peace and Solidarity Always... And, Dominic is an idiot. Now you have a consensus brewing... ;)
