Thursday, August 12, 2010

Missouri county might ban bikes

As bicycling has received increased working-class interest - thanks to confiscatory car insurance rates and oil company price-gouging - it's also fallen under growing attack from right-wing elitists.

Now a major county in Missouri wants to ban cycling altogether.

In St. Charles County - a heavily populated and rapidly growing bailiwick outside St. Louis - a new measure would impose an outright ban on bicycling. This is a response to wealthy residents complaining about cyclists using "their" roads - even though the roads are public.

Hay geniuses, most of America's roads (except for freeways) were actually designed for bikes. Many roads predated cars. If any device should be banned, it's hulking SUV's that are too wide and heavy for many roads.

Almost every time you see a report of an unusual traffic accident - such as a vehicle plowing into a building - it's an SUV. The physical characteristics of SUV's make them prone to mishaps like this.

If the bike ban passes, you have my permission to defy it.


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