Thursday, November 19, 2009

Poll says most Republicans think ACORN stole election

Projecting again, wingnuts?

A new poll by Public Policy Polling reveals that a majority of Republicans think the 2008 presidential election was stolen - by ACORN, of all people.

In this survey, 52% of GOP respondents harbored this delusion, while only 27% believe President Obama really won.

(Pollsters have long had a habit of oversampling Republicans, but this statistic refers specifically to the GOP.)

This after the Republicans stole 2 presidential elections in a row. (Remember that precinct in Ohio that only had 680 registered voters but somehow counted over 4,000 votes for Bush?)

Remember, this is the same party that believes Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11, thinks climate change is a hoax, and says lowering taxes for the rich decreases the deficit.

It's no wonder the country is barely functional: A party that's clearly delusional controlled the government for 28 consecutive years.


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