Saturday, May 8, 2010

Sen. Bob Bennett driven from office

Just how right-wing is the Republican Party in Utah?

It's so extreme that even far-right Sen. Bob Bennett isn't enough to satisfy it.

At today's state Republican convention, the 3-term senator was rejected in the final round of balloting - while 2 nobodies were sent to square off in the June primary. When it was announced that Bennett was eliminated by candidates who are even more right-wing than he is, Tea Party cultists in the convention hall cheered.

Democratic National Committee head Tim Kaine said, "That the Tea Party would consider Bob Bennett, one of the most conservative members of the U.S. Senate, too liberal, just goes to show how extreme that Tea Party is."

The more naive among us might think that today's events make Bennett's Senate seat a likely Democratic pick-up, but you have to remember, this is Utah we're talking about.


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