Friday, May 10, 2013

Diabetic student beaten by school cop

The spirit of Hitler lurks large in one Alabama high school.

Recently, a high school student in Hoover, Alabama, was brutalized by a police officer who roams the school and by school officials. The student suffers from diabetes, asthma, and sleep apnea, and she was sent to in-school suspension for missing school. While she was there, she fell asleep (probably due to her health issues).

A school supervisor promptly whacked her cubicle, hitting her head. Later, when she fell asleep again, the supervisor slammed a book on her desk, causing the book to hit her. Then the school cop slammed the student's face into a file cabinet and arrested her. She had to be hospitalized because of her injuries.

How very Nazi.

Now the student is suing school officials, the city, and the police department.

Does anyone actually support the school on this? The school's only supporters are probably the same meth-heads who have been complaining for the past 50 years about how "the liberals" are taking away their "right" to beat their kids.


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