Friday, October 19, 2007

What a baby Nancy Pelosi sounds like

If you want to see what a baby Nancy Pelosi sounds like, today is your lucky day!

We were pleased to see Rep. Pete Stark, a California Democrat, tell it like it is regarding the Iraq conflict, which he correctly called an "illegal war." During the SCHIP debate, Stark (already a frequent victim of right-wing editorials by the media elite, many of which have made unsubstantiated claims against Stark) quite rightly charged that Republicans were sending troops to Iraq to "get their heads blown off for the President's amusement." The only thing Stark said that was wrong was referring to Bush as the President.

But I guess the DLC's House Speaker Nancy Pelosi didn't want to hear the truth. Pelosi said Stark's comment "was inappropriate and distracted from the seriousness of the subject at hand."

Somebody call the WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHmbulance again!

If Pete Stark's statement was "inappropriate" and "distracting", then what do you call the Republicans' refusal to override Bush's SCHIP veto?

Then again, this is the same Nancy Pelosi who spent more effort criticizing Hugo Chavez than criticizing Bush. And people wonder why we support Cindy Sheehan for that seat.



  1. Bandit, my good friend, you are the KING of unsubstantiated claims.

  2. Arguing with a newspaper now, scheffy?

  3. Online Lunchpail, Tommy. It's an exciting, new populist blog.

  4. Tom Collins,

    The fundamentalist tinfoilers like Scheffy have had a vendetta against the Mercury News ever since it exposed the Bush crime family's CIA crack dealing...maybe we should ignore the kook from now on

    Naaaah....Scheffy's too fun to argue with and beat over the head with his own words.

  5. Hay scheffy, what about those "unsubstantiated" claims?

    Is this why almost every article here has three or four sources backing it up at the end?

    (usually all from news sources like the NYT or CNN and NOT BLOGS)?
