Sunday, May 4, 2008

No such thing as a Reagan Democrat

I can't believe we actually have to bring this up 19 years after Reagan left office, but the punditocracy still doesn't get it.

Let me spell it out for you: There's no such thing as a Reagan Democrat. Not now, not back then, not ever. Understand? Someone else even said to me there's no such thing as a Reagan Democrat (in those exact words) when some TV know-it-all used the phrase.

People that I know who fit the pop-up media's Reagan Democrat profile were the most anti-Reagan folks around (and today they're the most anti-Bush). According to the media talking heads, I'd be a Reagan Democrat too - even though I couldn't stand Reagan's confrontational followers when I was a teenager. Memories are long, and I'm still not a Reagan fan.

A revisionist cult has grown up around the charasma of the man himself! Followers of the late President spread this legend about Reagan ending the Cold War, which isn't true. They claim he ushered in an era of economic prosperity, even though he did the exact opposite. Reagan is the man who used rule-by-decree to fire air traffic controllers because they dared to demand safe working conditions. He's responsible for much of this War on Drugs bullshit too.

I know that when you compare anyone against Bush, they look decent. But hopefully the media will stop trying to rewrite history.

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