Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Bush about to lose his shit (again)

Bush exhibiting psychotic behavior is a regular occurrence. But it's times like this when it becomes downright dangerous.

I haven't seen much about it, but it's now reported that the Bush regime has escalated covert operations in Iran by unleashing more spies. The $400,000,000 campaign involves American special operations troops and Iranian dissidents.

This actually sounds like a pre-bubbling of another war. I've long believed that the Decider is determined to start a war with Iran just as he did with Iraq, but I think he's waiting until after the election so he can make his predecessor deal with it. (Bush is probably still fuming that his now-forgotten plan to call off the 2004 election didn't go over as well as he thought - which was probably the only time in his whole life he had to listen to anyone tell him he was wrong.)


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