Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Congress's approval rating falls to 9%

Thanks a heap, DLC.

You know, if they'd impeached the Decider like they promised, maybe they'd have better ratings? Even among Democrats, Congress has only a 13% approval rating, despite Congress being allegedly Democratic.

Oh, and in case you're wondering, it's 3% among independents and third parties (me). That's right: 3%.

According to legend, this is the only time since polling was invented that Congress's approval ratings have fallen into single digits. But I seem to remember Newt being somewhere in this range around the time he threw a shitfit because Bill Clinton wouldn't let him play with the controls on Air Force One.

(Source: http://rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/mood_of_america/congressional_performance/congressional_performance)

1 comment:

  1. You know, I'd say something concerning how I don't approve of Congress's behavior and Bush's impeachment as well, but I'm afraid that with Bush tapping everything in existence I'd have cops at my door the next day accusing me of being a terrorist.

    Ah what a wonderful country we live in.
