Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Indiana bookstore censorship law tossed!

This is a hilarious defeat that I saw looming for the social engineering distracters!

I told you in March that Indiana had passed a law requiring bookstores to post a hefty registration fee if they carried even one "explicit" book. It applied to bookstores even if they sold only one "dirty" title alongside thousands of G-rated volumes. The law was supposed to take effect today.

Anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of American civics could see the law was unconstitutional on free speech grounds. And a judge agrees.

On the very day the law took effect, the federal judge ruled that the measure was too vague, too broad, and crimped reading materials that not only were perfectly legal but weren't even pornographic. The law was so broad that it may have applied to grocery stores selling an ordinary magazine with a sex advice page, a yard sale selling an old Playboy collection, or a video store selling a movie that's only R-rated.

But get this: Lawmakers are going to waste time trying to pass this law again next year. They never learn, do they?

(Source: http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080701/NEWS02/80701048)

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