Friday, September 19, 2008

Dress code Nazis punish student over patriotic shirt

The Far Right hellhounds who are pushing tougher dress codes in our so-called public schools have shown what they think about America, haven't they?

At Dos Palos High School in Dos Palos, California, a sophomore student was punished because he wore a patriotic t-shirt. The shirt showed the American flag and the words, "United States of America, Washington, D.C."

Nothing offensive or controversial about the shirt at all. I'm sure the student thought the shirt would create no hullabaloo.

The school's excuse for punishing the teen was that the shirt promoted American culture - which is banned by the dress code. I swear I am not making this up.

Does the school not have a flag flying in its front yard? Does it not recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily? I bet it does both. So school officials are being hypocrites to go after someone over patriotic clothes.

This is like how the right-wing noise machine attacked Barack Obama because he failed to wear a flag pin - after the noise machine did nothing but run America down during the Michael Fay tumult.

The manner in which the school deals with dress code offenses is particularly Nazi: Offending students are forced to wear a bright yellow t-shirt that says, "DCV: Dress Code Violator."

The student's sister said, "It was really embarrassing and humiliating to have to wear that all day - and just for supporting your country."

Dozens of students protested the punishment by wearing patriotic items to school. Good for them! An equally effective protest would've been to get some yellow shirts, have "DCV: Dress Code Violator" printed on them, and wear them to school. If everyone wore them, it would thoroughly dash the stigma that the school's yellow shirts are supposed to carry.

It gets worse.

While the student was talking to the media about the incident, a teacher stomped up to him, assaulted him by ripping the microphone off his shirt, and told him he wasn't allowed to talk to the media.

Yes he is allowed to talk to the media. It's called the First Amendment.

It's interesting to note that this particular school district is also under investigation for misappropriating public funds.

In the meantime, here's something to give the Far Right school admins the willies over their vexiphobia:


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