Thursday, September 11, 2008

Networks to give Palin free airtime

Now do you know why this blog blackballed linking to ABC's site?

ABC is planning a special edition of '20/20' tomorrow consisting of Charles Gibson's interviews with Sarah Palin. The primetime extravaganza will also feature a detailed bio of the embattled Republican vice-presidential candidate.

Where's the '20/20' specials for Democratic, Green, and other candidates? Maybe they're bipping. Just joking. Maybe the reason you can't find them on ABC's schedule is because they don't exist: Only Palin is special and privileged enough to receive free airtime.

In addition, parts of Gibson's interviews will be spread around other ABC programs.

Who's surprised? This is the same network that aired 'The Path To 9/11' (which blamed Bill Clinton for the 9/11 attacks) and has been running hit piece after hit piece in an effort to sway the upcoming election.

ABC isn't alone. Predictably, Fox News Channel already gave Failin' Palin a primetime documentary. And CNN is planning a Palin special this weekend.

Can the media's Republican bias be any more transparent?

We need to complain to the Federal Election Commission about the networks' in-kind contributions to the Republican campaign.


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