Thursday, September 25, 2008

Kucinich bill would ban voter foreclosures

Welcome to the era of voter foreclosures!

A voter foreclosure is the Republicans' burgeoning practice of using lists of foreclosed homes to deny folks the right to vote. Voter foreclosures are fueled primarily by classism - and the mistaken belief that voting should be reserved only to the financially secure.

Are such eccentric actions legal? Short answer: no. They seem to fall under laws against voter intimidation and suppression. Clearly, however, the laws aren't strong enough, and that's why Dennis Kucinich has introduced a bill to specifically deal with this rogue practice.

The bill by the Ohio-based Democratic congressman would specifically prohibit political parties from challenging voters' eligibility on the basis of being the target of a foreclosure.

Republicans claim that by using foreclosure lists to challenge voters, they're just defending the "integrity" of the electoral process. You read it right: Republicans believe "integrity" is denying someone the right to vote because they don't own a home.

If only we had a whole Congress full of Dennis Kuciniches, we'd certainly have made major inroads in reversing the Republican Revolution by now.


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