Monday, March 16, 2009

BTP meltdown pictures, part 2

This is the second installment of my photos of the itinerant circus freaks who peopled the Tea Party yesterday in Cincinnati.

My Facebook feed has been very spotty about picking up these pictures. (Surprise, surprise.) So if you can't see all these photos on Facebook, go to my blog's main site:

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Treason, treason, treason! This anti-Obama sign says, "I hope he fails." But I guess we can expect such an unpatriotic attitude from the BTPers, after they goofed off during the national anthem.

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"Government is the problem"? For once, I agree: It's the government that launches failed wars, keeps glaucoma patients from getting medicine, compels union workers to pay for nonunion employees, and doesn't allow...ah, you get the idea.

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Now here's a dumb one: "Legalize capitalism." Could you possibly come up with a stupider sign if you tried?

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"Don't punish individual success"??? What a big baby.

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"Free markets, not freeloaders"? How about all those corporations that haven't paid taxes in 11 years? They're for the free market.

Oh, and these aren't even the funniest pictures. There's still more to come.

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