Wednesday, March 18, 2009

BTP meltdown pictures, part 6

This installment of photos and videos from the Tea Party shitfit in Cincinnati includes some of the ones that are among the most damning to their "cause."

What is their "cause" anyway? To hear themselves yell? Because they sure as shit didn't accomplish much...

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They spent all that money printing up this fancy sign? Oh well. Nobody said the BTPers were smart.

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The losers' FairTax support is one of the biggest smoking guns. This so-called Tea Party was billed as an anti-tax event, yet the FairTax is a proposed 30% national sales tax. Oops!

Aw, let's have a pity party for the BTPers! The poor rich crybabies have to pay taxes like we do. Poor things.

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Quick! Call the museum! We've found a Rush Limbaugh fan!

Proof the FairTax backers weren't uninvited guests. The speaker declared, "FairTax! FairTax! FairTax!" and I knew I had to start filming so the evidence of the event's national sales tax support could be preserved. She seems to think that failure to support FairTax is some type of conspiracy to hoard power, when it's actually FairTax backers who are guilty of such powermongering.

We have to start wrapping up this photo shoot, because a real grassroots event might take place tomorrow.

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