Thursday, March 12, 2009

Coleman posts credit card numbers, blames hackers

Allow me to make this clear, Pigpen: You can't do this shit.

Now it turns out that Norm Coleman - the sore loser in Minnesota - was dumb enough to post the database featuring his campaign donors' credit card numbers online. Yes, it featured all the numbers plus the 3-digit security codes.

In public. For the whole wide world to ogle (beep).

Coleman learned of this security flaw 6 weeks ago - but dismissed it. Thus, it wasn't repaired.

And now Coleman is blaming the whole thing on hackers - even though his campaign posted the data itself.

In any event, Coleman has now had the unpleasant task of telling his contributors that they should replace their credit cards, after this fuck-up exposed their card numbers. Still, he refuses to apologize.

It also raises the question of whether Coleman violated state law when he failed to report the security breach immediately.

How Norm Coleman ever expected to be trusted as a senator is beyond me.


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