Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Students punished for opposing test

If anyone still thinks American schools don't try to police thoughts, this story should kablammo that notion to tiny shards.

In Storm Lake, Iowa, officials at Storm Lake High School forced bilingual students to take an English test that was meant for small children who are not proficient in English. This despite the fact that many of the students forced to take the test are completely fluent in the English language.

The test asked questions like what sound a cow makes and what a chair is.

One student refused to take the test, because it was so far beneath her abilities. The test would have been a complete waste of time.

In a satisfying show of solidarity, other students walked out of class to show support for their schoolmate.

The result? These students were promptly given detention for the thoughtcrime of daring to stand in solidarity with a classmate.

And the student who refused the test? Well, she received 3 days of in-school suspension and may be punished further. Talk about schools policing thoughts!

The school's excuse is that the test was federally mandated. Then why don't we hear about this test being required in other school districts? If this is indeed some No Child Left Behind bullshit, then maybe someone should have told Bush that he didn't get to decide how communities run their schools.

And so it continues. See what I mean about thought control in our schools?

(Source: http://www.kcautv.com/Global/story.asp?S=9962851&nav=1kgl)

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