Saturday, May 16, 2009

Another Republican in the Obama administration?

When President Obama promised bipartisanship, I thought it was great that he was going to appoint members of the Green Party to his administration.

Wait. He hasn't.

Now, folks, you'd think Robert Gates and Ray LaHood would have satisfied the allowance for Republicans in the Obama administration.

But nope! The Republicans are special and privileged, you see. If they don't get at least 3 major appointments in a Democratic administration, they might cry. And their faces might freeze that way.

So now Obama has selected right-wing Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr. (pictured here) to serve as ambassador to China.

Huntsman is no competition for Chris Buttars in the contest to see who can be the most despicable major Utah politician. But he still doesn't belong in any position of public trust.

I can't wait until Obama appoints a Green to some important post!

There's a reason the Republicans lost, folks.



  1. Governor Huntsman is right wing? Do your homework.

  2. From Wikipedia:,_Jr.

    "Huntsman's name has appeared on some lists of potential REPUBLICAN nominees for the 2012 presidential election" (emphasis added)

    "The party supports a conservative and/or center-right platform"

    "The Senate Site" claims to be the voice of the Utah State Senate, yet here it is arguing with a blog for pointing out that the governor is conservative.
