Friday, May 22, 2009

"Zero tolerance" fascists at it again

You'd think the "zero tolerance" fascism that defines America's schools these days would subside.

For one thing, that would be progress, you see. For another, the "zero tolerance" thought guardians have gotten enough bad press that you'd think they'd stop because of that. Further, you'd think the lawsuits would be mounting by now. Then again, schools know how to browbeat people into not suing.

At Linton Middle School in Penn Hills, Pennsylvania, the right-wing extremists who call themselves school officials have recommended expulsion for a student who had eyebrow clippers in her handbag. She has been suspended, and may be expelled through the first part of next school year.

The eyebrow trimmer was discovered during a random search of the handbag.

Schools are doing random searches of handbags now? That's enough of a reason right there to pretty much declare the American school system has boned its shark.

Why do I get the feeling that some school officials in that district are idiots? Not all are, but certainly some are.

Sooner or later, there's got to be a lawsuit against schools over their right-wing "zero tolerance" policies. This bullshit can't go on forever.


1 comment:

  1. My son was going to be suspended because he accidentally hit a teacher with a single sheet of wadded up paper while attempting to toss it in a trash bin as he walked passed an open classroom. He pitched it from outside the room as he walked by. It was like trying to make a game winning b-ball shot at the buzzer. He kept on strolling after he tossed it. He never saw where it ended up. Apparently it hit a teacher who was in the room by herself. Next thing I know mom and I are in an emergency meeting to discuss my son's physical "assault on a teacher". This bullshit is out of control. This was laughable to say the least. I stared down a panel of 6 school administrators and gave them my perspective on their prison industrial complex pipeline and their ridiculous 'zero intelligence' (aka 0 tolerance) policies. Needless to say he received no punishment at all. I somewhat set them straight in that moment, however I don't think it will produce any positive meaningful long term results in the long term, becasue you are not going to change the mind of a die hard, drunk on his own power, facist school administrator. You'd take away all his bullying fun for the day. If he didn't have a child to threaten, expell, harrass, annoy, or strip of their dignity, then he would be really bored earning that bloated 6 figure salary.
