Thursday, May 21, 2009

Obama ends another Bush diktat


If the past 4 months are going to be remembered fondly for one thing, it's going to be the slow but sure stop stick against the Bush bulldozer of unitary rule.

President Obama has reversed several illegal Bush fiats already, and now he's reversing another. This time, Obama is reversing Bush's ukase that illegally used federal regulations to limit injured consumers' ability to sue companies in state courts.

The Bush policy was part of his campaign of preemption: using federal dictates to trump states' rights, even though the Constitution gave such powers to the states, not the federal government. Ironically, Bush misused health and safety regulations to do this. In other words, health and safety rules were being cited to make people less safe and to deprive injured parties of the right to seek a remedy.

Often, the Bush regime's argument went like this: If a federal regulation said a product was safe, that was evidence of its absolute safety, which thus absolved the product's maker of any liability.

For that alone, Bush was a total scuzzmouth.

What was the point in dividing the country into states, if Bush wouldn't even let people seek remedies under state laws?

Thank you, President Obama. The Bush era has come to a close, and we need to drive a sharp stick into everything Bush did, so Bush's policies never come back.


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