Friday, May 22, 2009


Let's be honest: Breitbart is a trap.

Even respectable sites have linked to stories on the Breitbart website - which often carries articles from mainstream sources like the AP.

But Breitbart isn't what it appears at first glance.

It's actually a portal for its founder, Andrew Breitbart, a right-wing commentator for Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times.

Mr. Breitbart's own tirades are illogical, but they can be colorful. For instance, he complained that left-leaning entertainment celebs had gone to the "stinky side."

Even though it features mainstream articles, using Breitbart as a news portal can be hazardous to the free flow of ideas, as its blog links are almost exclusively right-wing. As a portal, one assumes the site can also control what articles from mainstream sources appear.

For example, Breitbart was instrumental in coddling an MSNBC operative's unsuccessful attempt to debunk the story of how Sarah Palin didn't know Africa is a continent.

And the AP partners with this site?

So watch your sources carefully, folks. Breitbart is little more than a glorified Drudge Report (another site Mr. Breitbart has been involved with).

It's amazing how The Last Word has been around longer than Breitbart or Drudge Report, yet the pop-up media never cites The Last Word as it does with Drudge and Breitbart.

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