Thursday, May 28, 2009

"Zero tolerance" becoming less tolerated in Florida

Maybe - just maybe - people might be starting to think that "zero tolerance" discipline policies that now pervade American schools aren't so brilliant after all.

The blab is rife with countless true stories of grade school children being arrested for drawing pictures of slingshots or accidentally bringing nail clippers to school.

But now Florida (of all places) is crimping this right-wing trend.

A bill to halt arrests for minor school infractions has now passed both houses of the Florida legislature unanimously and has been signed into law.

Yes, Florida. If even a Republican state like Florida can clip zealous educrats' wings, other states can't be far behind.

This actually shows you just how right-wing "zero tolerance" is. If our schools are more right-wing than 100% of Florida legislators, is it any wonder why schools are a major target of this blog?

The new law also requires schools to publicly review their corporal punishment policies, but I think the law doesn't go far enough in that regard: Paddling in schools should be outlawed completely.


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