Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Tea Party coordinator carried racist sign

Racist themes run rampant in the authoritarian Tea Party movement - as I've documented before.

This is perhaps not surprising, as these phony populists are funded by party hacks and corporate-backed think tanks where militant racism has long lurked just below the surface.

Now another piece confirms the fact that the movement is racist: Back in February 2009, a Tea Party coordinator was photographed carrying a sign featuring a racial slur (misspelled, of course).

It turns out the guy was one Dale Robertson, who is described as the "president and founder" of the entire sore loser Tea Party movement. He even owns one of the BTPers' main websites.

Why did the media sit on this photo for 11 months before anyone knew about it? Simple. It's because the media is in the tank for the Tea Party whack-a-doos. They've supported them all along. If you doubt this, notice that the Cincinnati Enquirer always prints Tea Party press releases verbatim.

(Source: http://gawker.com/5439804/teabagger-bigwig-had-n+word-sign)

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